What We Do







Social Protection

Emergency Preparedness


Current Activities (January 2010 to the present)

Apart from Food aid, the rest of 8 projects have been continuously implemented this year. We plan to cover 21 villages with nearly 7,000 people.

Our Services


As the livelihoods of Nargis victims were almost completely destroyed after the devastating cyclone, Livelihood activities are the major focus of our programme. By promoting livelihood activities, we aim to promote the life of neediest families to meet their basic needs through their own efforts and thus lead a dignified life. We facilitated the communities to form Self Help groups such as poultry, agriculture and micro finance for systematically utilizing the resources we provide to them and replicating the activities to reach out to more needy people. We are encouraged to notice that the overall repayment rate is approximately 77%.


Education activities have been implemented since January 2010. Based on our assessments, the ratio of the students and teachers was not balanced. There is a high need for teachers to be able to provide sufficient education services to children. Hence, we will provide at least 40 trained volunteer teachers to 18 villages.


With the support from Pathein Diocese, one week after Nargis, Karuan Pathein Social Service was able to mobilize a group of medical personnel and send out the team to worst hit villages to provide emergency medical services. In 2009, health awareness trainings were given to 21 villages. To increase our services, this year, with a team comprises of one medical doctor, three nurses, seven health workers and one project staff, we provide not only awareness training but also distribution of medical supplies and medical treatments in 32 villages.

Psychosocial Support

Five staff members were trained by Karuna Myanmar Social Service to provide psychosocial training and support to Nargis victims in 30 villages from July 2008 to December 2009. According to prevailing situation, psychosocial support is still needed even after 2 years of Cyclone, KPSS continue to provide counseling, trauma healing and training in 21 villages with 5 five staff members.

Child Protection

KPSS has collaborated with UNICEF to implement child protection activities since 2008. We will focus giving child rights and child protection trainings and strengthen Community Support Groups to be more actively taking part in caring and protecting the rights of children.

Vocational Training

Up to now, more than 600 people received vocational trainings such as machine repair, sewing, and handicraft to improve their livelihood activities, reduce household expenditures, better assess job opportunities and effectively utilize time.

Emergency Preparedness

In 2009, Disaster Risk Reduction trainings were given in 40 villages. For disaster mitigation and emergency preparedness, trainings will be continue given to community members as well as diocesan level personnel. Moreover, provision of tools, CDMA phone, and construction of cyclone shelters and plantation of trees, road renovation, bridge and jetty construction will be implemented in 2010.


A total of 470 houses, 8 jetties, 4 bridges and one school were constructed and nearly 7,000 people were benefited from this activity. With the support of WFP, road renovation, pond renovation, dyke construction, jetties and bridges were implemented by food for work (FFW) program in 23 villages during 2009.


Early Child Care Development (ECCD) program, Lenten Animation awareness, Karen Language and Culture development program, Radio Veritas Asia (Karen Service) and other social development work relating to assist parish priests are also doing under low profile.

Relief Services (May 2008 to September 2008)

We were able provided support to more than 20,000 people in 51 villages. Aids and services included food and non foods, temporary shelter, Wash, medical service, cash for work, psychosocial, child protection, camps and agriculture.

Rehabilitation Activities (October 2008 to December 2009)

A total of 9 projects were implemented in the second phase which focused more on rehabilitation. These projects are health, vocational training, disaster risk reduction (DRR), psychosocial support, food aid, food for work, cash for work, livelihood, and infrastructure as disaster mitigation, WASH and organizational capacity building. More than 20,000 beneficiaries in 89 villages within Laputta Township area received our support in terms of infrastructure, food, livestock, vocational training and disaster risk reduction training.