Monday, September 14, 2009

Seminar on DRR

Seminar/Workshop on DRR in the diocese of Pathein, Myanmar

Seminar/ Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction was successfully conducted in the diocese of Pathein on 27th August with the final blessing of His Excellency Bishop John Hsane Hgyi, bishop of diocese of Pathein, Myanmar.

Diocese of Pathein was severely hit by the Cyclone Nargis on May 2,2008. Particularly the parish of Aima was totally devastated with the loss of its parish priest, Fr.Andrew Soe Win (56 years) and lives of 1500 Catholics in the parish. Under the supervision of MDRC (Myanmar Disaster Response Committee), the works of rehabilitation and reconstruction are being implemented with close management of KPSS ( Karuna Pathein Social Service).

Disaster Risk Reduction is an awareness course given to the Cyclone affected areas in the diocese of Pathein, to mobilize the local communities to reduce their vulnerability and to build up their capacity in emergency preparedness and response. This time the course is particularly intended to the Church leaders of the diocese.

Disaster Risk Reduction, known as DRR, the seminar/workshop was conducted from August 24 to 27, 2009, by Fr.Amalraj S.J, with collaboration of Daw Rose Mary of Karuna Myanmar Social Services ( Caritas Myanmar), Sr.Christine, two staff of Karun Pathein ( Caritas diocesan of Pathein).

Honoring celebrations of the Year of the Priest, this seminar/workshop is one of the activities organized by the diocese in the programme of ongoing formation of the clergy.

Responding to the invitation sent from the office of the Bishop of Pathein, 68 priests of the diocese, 6 religious brothers and sisters, including 3 members of board of mangagement of the diocese, attended the seminar/workshop which started on 24th August, the day on which the 6th anniversary of installation of Bishop John Hsane Hgyi was celebrated in the Eucharistic celebration in the morning.

During the seminar/workshop the concepts of DRR was presented and discussed and on 27th September, Diocesan Emergency Response Committee (DERC) was founded and approved by the local ordinary. DERC will be directed by a board of management composed of the local ordinary, the vicar general, three vicar foraines and all directors of the pastoral and socials sectors. The newly established committee will be coordinated by the diocesan pastoral and social sectors and will work closely with KPSS ( Karuna Pathein Social Service), in the works of emergency preparedness and response.

With the bad consequences of global warming, and change of climate, the diocese of Pathein which is situated in Delta of Irrawaddy, in the southern part of Myanmar is constantly threatened by natural disasters of all sorts like cyclones and flood. The diocese, for its survival and mission for evangelization needs constantly aware of these challenges and looks for ways to reduce all the risks possible while building up its capacities on the other hand.

Sept 1,2009