Sunday, October 17, 2010

Library helps youngsters to improve in English

Pathein diocese in Myanmar has been operating a library service to help young people improve their English language skills.

The Church-run Millennium Center library distributed English books to 20 local primary schools this year, said chief librarian, Kyaw Swa Lwin. “We try to collect the books from schools and exchange them with other books, every month,” Lwin said.

Since 2009, the library also distributed primary level English books from the British embassy to schools.

“We feel very happy when the unexpected books arrive,” said U Soe Win, principal of a government run primary school in Pathein. “I do really believe that these books will be very useful and helpful for our children.”

His school has now arranged their timetable to provide students with 75 minutes each day for reading, Win explained.

Daw Shwe In, 53, a teacher from the school, said about about half of the school’s 400 students are interested in reading English books.

“The children have improved both their English and general knowledge.They have also acquired the habit of reading,” said Shwe.

Currently, the library has about 300 members, four staff and opens every day except Friday.

The diocese directly operated Millennium Center from its opening in 2004 until last year when Karuna Pathein Social Service took over the responsibility. Karuna Pathein Social Service is Pathein diocese’s social service agency.

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