Partnership and Networking With Caritas Families and Church Institutions
With MDRC (Myanmar Disaster Response Committee)
Partnership with MDRC has begun since May 2008, right after Nargis Cyclone. With the help coming under the supervision of MDRC, KMSS Pathein has collobrated with Karuna Myanmar Social Services (KMSS-NO), KMSS Yangon and Swe Tha Har Social Services. With the support from MDRC, 21 villages in Labutta District and Myaung Mya district, were chosen for Integrated Rehabilitation programs implemented since 2008 and have come to an end in March 2011. In the post MDRC, 18 villages from Nargis affected areas are still under the cares and supports of KMSS Pathein until now.
With KMSS –NO ( Karuna Myanmar Social Services)
KMSS Pathein continues strengthening some activities in the post MDRC period with the support and accompaniment of KMSS NO. Disaster Risk Reduction project is carried out with the support of KMSS NO targeting in two villages ( Ta Loke Kone and Pyan Gone) in Nargis affected areas. Early Child Care and Development (ECCD) supported by UNICEF through KMSS NO is now being implemented in the parish of St.Mary Mwe Hauk in 9 villages and 10 new villages to be opened in the parish of Myaung Mya. Child Protection (CP) project supported by UNICEF through KMSS NO is also being implemented in Labutta township since 2009. Other projects like livelihoods, Health (HIV/AIDS) awareness programs are also accompanied by KMSS National Office.
With M-CHAN and ECE
KMSS Pathein’s close collaboration with Myanmar Catholic HIV/AIDS Network (MCHAN) for awareness raising and TOT training for Community Health Workers in the diocese of Pathein was initiated and established in the month of September 2011. Epsicopal Commission for Education (ECE) has collaborated with the diocesan education commission since its foundation and now strengthened through coordination network of KMSS Pathein.
With MISEREOR ( Germany)
With contribution of MISEREOR, the first installment was distributed in Nargis Cyclone affected areas in Labutta in 2008-2009 and from beginning of 2010, as to be more focused on rehabilitation phase, 10 villages were chosen from Pathein diocese for livelihood programs which will come to an end on 30 November 2011. Moreover 3 livelihood staff were trained by Mitta Development Foundation with the sponsorship provided by MISEREOR in 2011 and now those trained staff are applying their skills and knowledge on 100 acres of farmland in Kyone Ta Loke village placed under the management of KMSS Patein.
With HUMEDICA (Germany)
With the emergency fund from HUMEDICA, the implementations of the project has been successfully done from October to December 2010 and monitoring and evaluation of the project was done in the beginning of 2011. Livelihoods, Wash and Shelter are three main areas focused as integrated approach in implementation in the diocese of Pathein.
With Caritas Italiana
For social development of Hinthada zone, in the diocese of Pathein, Caritas Italy has planned to implement social development activities in 11 villages from 11 parishes under the supervison and collaboration of the parish priests, villages leaders and elders as stakeholders. As pilot areas in the first three villages from Lethema( Kyaung Gone), Sharge(Seik Kyi) and Thebyu ( Pauk Kone) the project activities have been commenced since the end of October 2010. A sub-Office of KMSS Pathein is opened in Hinthada where reside a group of staff of Hinthada project functioning in the areas in close collaboration with the main office of KMSS Pathein. This partnership with Caritas Italy is planned to be a long term partnership and hope to develop social sectors accordingly in the target areas.
With technical support of Caritas Thailand and endorsement of KMSS National Office, a Health Program is now being implemented in 10 villages in the diocese of Pathein funded by Caritas Italy.
With Caritas Thailand
Caritas Thailand has been closely working with diocese of Pathein since 2008 after Nargis Cyclone, particularly in areas of Health and Education. KMSS Pathein is now collaborating with Caritas Thailand in the programs of Livelihoods, Health and Education from 2011 onwards. Both technical and material supports are currently provided by the partner organization in close collaboration. Two staff from KMSS Pathein are now on job training in the Office of Caritas Thailand in Yangon.
With CRS (Catholic Relief Service, America)
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has established a good partnership with KMSS Pathein in area of Integrated Community Development programs comprising Livelihoods and Health Education implemented in two villages, Mayan Chaung and Chan Thargone, in the diocese of Pathein. The project has drawn much attention from the village community. Currently CRS is providing Capacity Building training to KMSS Pathein organization and a project for education support to children with disability is now in pre-project phase in 2013.
With Pestallozi Children’s Foundation (PCF) Switzerland
This PCF has been working in collaboration with KMSS Pathein-Education sector since 2004 and has come to the final phase of implementation for 2011-2014. This project has supported the KMSS Pathein-Education programs in sending volunteer teachers about 64 in number every year in 32 villages in the diocese of Pathein. Moreover PCF has Micro Credit Union (MCU) programs in helping out the Nargis affected people in 16 villages for the livelihoods of the villages and for the long term support of the volunteer teachers. KMSS Pathein Education Sector is now drafting a new phase for continuing partnership in providing quality education to children in rural areas of Ayeyarwaddy Region.
With British Council ( Millennium Centre Library Programmes)
This is a centre opened since 2005, with support of the British Council in Yangon for the capacity building of young people providing access to Library and English courses. A mobile library activities are being provided to targeted primary schools during academic year since 2010 and trainings, courses on Leadership, Women empowerment are being provided in the course of the year.
With French Embassy ( Social and Culture Small Grant Program)
A project for promoting Karen Language and Culture in the diocese of Pathein was funded by French Embassy residing in Yangon in the year 2012. With this support 20 Karen Language teachers reached out to targeted villages in monitoring and strengthening Karen Language and Culture initiatives undertaken by KMSS Pathein.
With Enfants du Mekong ( EDM- France)
The sponsorship program of Enfants du Mekong (EDM) has established partnership with KMSS Pathein since 2009 supporting the Nargis affected children in three boarding houses in Pathein town itself. Moreover in view of long term partnership with EDM, a boarding house capable to accommodate 50 students (girls and boys) was constructed in Labutta new town, at 3 mile site. The boarding house is to serve for students coming from Nargis affected areas in Labutta Township where majority of children will be from Karen ethnic families. The boarding house has been operating through out 2012 and planning to accommodate more students in scholastic year 2013-2014.
With Society of Missions Etrangeres de Paris (MEP- France)
The Society of Missions Etrangeres de Paris has been supporting diocese of Pathein since long decades in both social and pastoral missions. KMSS Pathein has established a partnership with MEP for support of a Vehicle for services of Health Sector doing health education and mobile clinic in the diocese of Pathein. MEP has supported Volunteer Community Teachers (VCTs) employed in villages teaching in government primary schools and in the promotion of Karen Language and Culture in the diocese of Pathein. A social formation centre, a building of 4 storey is under construction in Pathein since 2012. MEP has put a portion of contribution for the realization of the construction project.
With MISSIO Aachen (Germany)
MISSIO Aachen (Germany) is supporting Radio Vertias Asia (RVA) Karen Service Pathein Centre which was opened in August 2009 with the immediate support of Bishop John Hsane Hgyi, Bishop of Pathein diocese. This local centre is working in close collaboration with RVA Karen Service in Manila, the Philippines by producing the programs like homilies, Bible reflection, Health, Education , Youth , Cultural Promotion and Family life. Now under the close management of Sr.Daniella, SFX and a group of dedicated young staff the centre has now become a strong contributor to Karen service programs in Manila. KMSS Pathein has conducted Karen Language and Culture courses to 14 Young Karen Teachers for three months in 2010, in view of providing more support to RVA Karen programs both in Sgaw and Pwo.
Moreover, with the initiative of KMSS Pathein, a course on Karen Language and Culture for the Major Seminarians was conducted for one week in the month of December successively in 2009 and in 2010 in Pathein, where about 40 Major Seminarians of Pathein Diocese attended during their Christmas vacations. And in the month of March, another course on Karen Language and Culture was opened for 118 Karen Young people in Sacred Intermediate Seminary in Mayanchaung. The course and program was under the supervision of KMSS Pathein and that will be continued for long term basis. During summer of 2011, again the courses on Karen Language and Culture summer were opened in the diocese of Pathein from March to May. About 120 Karen young volunteers were involved in this mission by teaching Karen language and culture to about 60 villages across the diocese under the supervision of the parish priests. Summer course for Karen Language and Culture has continued in 2012 and now prepare to launch a new effort in the summer of 2013.
With support of MISSIO, Solar energy project is now being implemented in the diocese of Pathein. This Solar Power lightings are installed now in the clergy houses in the remote parish where there is no access of electricity. The project will cover all 34 parishes with equipments of solar power installation by end of 2013.
Diocese of Pathein is now implementing a diocesan social/pastoral development program in 2012 funde by MISSIO (Aachen). This three year project is to enhance capacity building of priests, Catechists, and diocesan offices to work more efficiently for the mission of the Church. Reviewing the diocesan synod decision will be conducted annually, training to the priests and Catechists will be conducted. The parish councils in all 34 parishes will be strengthened. In this project KMSS Pathein is supporting diocesan commissions with technical assistance in M&E and reporting.
With Catholic Bishops Conference of Italy ( CEI)
A four storey concrete building is under construction in Pathein intending to provide Social Animation Formation to humanitarian workers in the region of Ayeyarwaddy. Catholic Bishops Conference of Italy has funded mainly to this infrastructure building. The construction has begun in May 2012 and will be completed in June 2013.
Coordination with Diocesan Sectors/ Commissions within the Diocese of Pathein
With Day Special Course ( Private Day School)
Day Special Course is opened for the repeaters of the Tenth Standard Students (Grade XI) providing private Tuitions under the intensive care of qualified teachers. Day Special Course aims at helping the students to succeed in their matriculation exams which pave for them the way for higher(University) education.
With Ex-Seminarians Association
The first gathering of Ex-Seminarians was held in Pathein on December 14-15, 2009 where about 70 ex-seminarians coming from different parishes in the diocese of Pathein. In the meeting was formed Ex-Seminarians Association of Pathein Diocese and KMSS Pathein is now coordinating with this association. The association is still in the initial stage and needs to be strengthened and to be more well organized. Meetings and gathering according to zones of the diocese are in process throughout the year 2011 and 2012 and annual gathering was held in December 2012 at Mayanchaung, Pathein. There is a hope of becoming a more strong and well organized association in very near future.
With Youth Centre in Danbi
In 2009, one month course on Vocational training was opened in Danbi Diocesan Youth Centre. The course was mainly sponsored by KMSS Pathein and to the training were attended about 30 young people coming from different parishes in the diocese of Pathein. In 2010, two courses were opened in Danbi Youth Centre,sponsored by KMSS/MDRC. The first four month course on vocational training was opened for 60 young people from March to June 2010 and the second four month course was given to another 60 young people from August to November 2010. Young people from the diocese without discrimination of race and religion attended the courses on Machine repairs for boys and Tailoring and Handicraft for girls. The centre is now in close collaboration with KMSS Pathein.
With Lenten Animation Program
Since its moment of foundation, KMSS Pathein has been conducting unfailingly this Lenten Animation Program solicitating for the contributions of the Catholic faithful during the Lenten Season. This good practice continues well until now and has given much effectiveness to the Catholic faithful with regard to the awareness of their obligation and concern for the poor and the needy. Lenten Animation has given them opportunity to be in solidarity with the poor and the needy in the diocese of Pathein. The fund collected from Lenten Animation are kept well for good purpose to be distributed in case of Emergency and Disaster. With this Lenten Collection Fund, the immediate support of 1000 bags of rice were distributed to the victims of the emergency flooding occurred in August 2012 affecting Pathein District.
With Diocesan Health Commission
KMSS Pathein has close collaboration with St. Peter’s Clinic which runs health care programs for the poor and vulnerable people regardless of status, race, gender and religions, based in St. Peter’s Cathedral Church compound since 1999. During the time of Nargis response KMSS Pathein has collaborated with the Doctors and Nurses from St. Peter’s Clinic in the activities such as referral cases to the general hospital in Pathein, Health Education given to the communities, and treatments given to the vulnerable people in Nargis affected areas. In the new program of HIV/AIDS awareness and counseling, both St. Peter’s Clinic and KMSS Pathein Health Sector plans to work hand in hand to respond to the urgent needs of the people live with HIV/AIDS in the region of Delta. In the health program funded by Caritas Italiana, KMSS Pathein Health Sector is now working closely with Diocesan Health Commission.
With Liturgy / and Signis ( Social Communication)
KMSS Pathein has produced Karen Hymnal in 2007 and Karen Gospel Songs in VCD in 2010. In the future KMSS Pathein is planning to produce more on Hymnal and other Gospel songs in collaboration with Liturgy sector/ Signis in the diocese of Pathein.
With Vocation and Formation/ Evangelization Commission
Under the leadership of Fr. Pius Win Than, Thone Pwint Saing ( Three Formation Houses such as Seminary, SFX Brothers Novitiate and SFX Sisters Novitiate) has been organized yearly in the month of December for Christmas Carol Singing and touring in the diocese of Pathein. During last December 2010, a group of 150 persons comprised of KMSS Pathein Staff, Seminarians, Novices from St. Francis Xavier Brothers and Sisters, Catechist trainees from Myaung Mya Catechistical School, made a Christmas tours in Nargis affected villages. This good practice has been encouraged and supported by KMSS Pathein in view of Vocation Animation and Evangelization in the diocese of Pathein.
With Family and Laity Commissions
Under the family and laity commissions of the diocese Mother Association, Legion of Mary and St. Vincent de Paul associations are active both in diocesan and parish levels. KMSS Pathein is collaborating with the abovementioned commissions in the development of socio pastoral missions of the diocese. With the funding of MISSIO (Aachen) KMSS Pathein is accompanying Legion of Mary Group with financial support and regular reporting.
With Catechists
KMSS Pathein has conducted DRR training to Catechists during their annual meeting in May 2011 at Mayanchaung. KMSS Pathein is now helping, with funding from MISSIO (Aachen) for development of Social/Pastoral Program, the trainings and meetings of the Catechists working in the diocese of Pathein. There are about 120 Catechists working the diocese of Pathein spreading in three zones: Pathein, Hinthada and Myaung Mya.