About Organization
Karuna Pathein Social Serivces (KPSS), now also known as
KMSS-Pathein is a Diocesan Caritas and was established as a social arm of diocese of Pathein in 2001. It was founded in coordination with
Karuna Myanmar Social Services (KMSS), National Office under Catholic Bishops Conference (CBCM) in Yangon..
It is a non-profit organization as well as a faith based organization, delivering social services in
the diocese of Pathein in Ayeyarwaddy Delta, in southern part of Myanmar. Since its foundation, KMSS-Pathein has been rendering social services to different needs of the people in the diocese, especially in the time of 2003 flood in the Ayeyarwaddy Delta, in time of 2004 Sunami affected victims in Labutta area, in time of 2007 flood in West Pathein district area, and particularly in great natural disaster of Nargis Cyclone in May 2008 and in 2012 emergency flooding in Pathein District during month of August. Today the main office of KMSS- Pathein is located in Pathein town having forming five sectors, such as Livelihoods, Education, Health, Social Protection and Emergency Preparedness.
The mission of KMSS-Pathein is to empower the livelihood of the vulnerable people in many aspects so that they can take their own responsibilities and it also to build up for the wellbeing of the people and society. It has also been involved with the Nargis relief and rehabilitation activities in under the umbrella of Myanmar Disaster Response Committee (MDRC), funded through Caritas Internationalis from 2008-2011, and corporation with WFP, Caritas Thailand, KMSS National Office, and also with local communities. Now Karuna Pathein has partnership with Caritas families like KMSS National Office, Catholic Relief Service (CRS), MISEREOR, Caritas Italy, Caritas Thailand and other organization like Enfants du Mekong, MISSIO, Missions Etrangeres de Paris and Italian Bishops Conference (CEI).
Organizational Chart of KMSS Pathein

Governance Structure
- President is the Bishop of Pathein Diocese, who is also supported from Advisory Board and have meeting half yearly.
- Advisory Board is composed of Vicar General and three Deans of ecclesiastical zones in the diocese of Pathein (Pathein, Myaung Mya and Hinthada zone) and assist the President and Director in policy making.
- Director responsible for overall management or the organization and appointed by the President and Advisory Board. Each term is for five years. And Executive Director is accountable for both beneficiaries and Diocese.
- Deputy Director is the one who assist the Executive Director in daily management and implementation. The Deputy Director is directly reported to Director.
- In the Program Department, it is composed of Programme Manager, Project managers and sector field staff. Sectors: Livelihoods, Education, Health, Social Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): Each sector is headed by sector heads who are playing also roles of project managers and accountable to programme manager.
- Financial Department consist of Accounting and Reporting Unit as well as Admin, Logistic and IT Unit.
- M& E Department is consisted of a team which is responsible for monitoring and evaluation of the activities against it, outputs, outcomes and impact of the programmes or projects implemented. They are to be accountable to Director and Deputy Director. They are to work closely with programme manager.
Vision: (Fullness of Life)
The poor and vulnerable people in the diocese of Pathein, Ayeyarwaddy Region, become fully developed and empowered, freely and equally sharing and enjoying the fullness of life.
Uplift the life of the poor and vulnerable communities in the diocese of Pathein, Ayeyarwaddy Region, regardless of gender, race, and religions, with approaches of integrated services of physical, moral, and psychological supports ensuring their sustainable developments in all aspects.
Overall Objective:
“Uplifted the living standards of the poor and vulnerable people in the diocese of Pathein, Ayeyarwddy Region, regardless of gender, race and religions, by targeting on poverty alleviation and eradication activities within time bound set up by the organization”
The specific objectives of the Karuna Pathein are:
- To have the poor and vulnerable communities increased in job opportunities and livelihood incomes by being provided with technical, materials and networking activities
- To have increased enrolments, appropriate school supports in primary schools and quality education ensured and promoted by deploying volunteer teachers while working in cooperation with village communities, Education Ministries and local authorities.
- To have basic health care awareness and supports appropriately provided to the poor and vulnerable people including people live with HIV/AIDS
- To have the poor and vulnerable people socially well protected from violation of basic human rights and live with human dignity in safe human environment.
- To have disaster mitigation and emergency preparedness plans and activities ensured and strengthened both in community and diocesan level in the whole region of Delta in Emergency Response
Targeted Groups
The targeted groups are the poor and vulnerable children, older people, and women, famers, fisher men and disable people who are in need of basic humanitarian assistance regardless of gender, race, and religions. Geographically, the targeted groups are included of 15 townships in Ayeyarwaddy Region in Myanmar. The diocese of Pathein is situated in those 15 townships. The diocese is ecclesiastically composed of 34 parishes governed in three zones such as Pathein zone, Myaung Mya zone and Hinthada zone.
About Ayeyarwaddy
About Diocese of Pathein in Ayeyarwaddy Region